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Fairtrade Canada

Ottawa, Canada

Fairtrade Canada

The Canadian Fairtrade Awards recognize exceptional Fairtrade supporters, partners and allies, including retailers, traders, towns and campuses. The event is a celebration and a chance to say thank you to members of the Fairtrade community who made their mission to advocate for a sustainable, fair global trade system free of injustices. The event was also an opportunity to come together and truly feel the power of the collective work across Canada.

We have been a fan of Fairtrade products and the mission behind them for as long as we can remember. So naturally when Fairtrade Canada marketing team asked us to design the awards program we were thrilled! We were tasked in developing a series of posters, social media posts, event schedule, postcards, on screen graphics displayed during the event as well as winner announcement screens. We decided to place products and the farmers of those products at the center of our visual approach. We used the vibrant color palette of Fairtrade branding and paired it with product illustrations to invoke celebratory mood. Was also saw it as an opportunity to show the beauty of coffee leaves, cotton, sugar cane, banana leaves and flowers as well as coco.


Campaign, Illustration, Poster design, Presentation design, Social media


Visual design: Joanna Kuczek
Creative direction: Joanna Kuczek & Fairtrade Marketing Team

  • Posters
  • Fairtrade Awards
  • Cotton Farmer Feature
  • Fairtrade Awards
  • Banana Pattern
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